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  • Access Financial

AFS fetes Josephine Glasspole Basic staff for Teachers’ Day

Access Financial Services (AFS) team members celebrate the teaching staff of the Josephine Glasspole Basic School (JGBS) on Teachers Day. [L-R front row] JHBS Principal Claudia Hibbert; teachers Carmila Brown, Stacyann Wan and Brendalee Malcolm; with AFS business development officer Ruth-Ann Oakley; and (back row) AFS marketing and communications manager Nicholas Mundell; AFS chief executive officer Hugh Campbell; and JGBS teaching assistant Petra Smith

Access Financial Services (AFS) team members celebrate the teaching staff of the Josephine Glasspole Basic School (JGBS) on Teachers Day. [L-R front row] JHBS Principal Claudia Hibbert; teachers Carmila Brown, Stacyann Wan and Brendalee Malcolm; with AFS business development officer Ruth-Ann Oakley; and (back row) AFS marketing and communications manager Nicholas Mundell; AFS chief executive officer Hugh Campbell; and JGBS teaching assistant Petra Smith. (Photo: Contributed)

The teaching and support staff at the Josephine Glasspole Basic School was treated to a private dining experience on Teachers’ Day last Wednesday (May 8), courtesy of Access Financial Services Limited.

AFS chief executive Hugh Campbell hosted the luncheon for the educators at the Courtleigh Hotel in New Kingston, supported by members of the marketing and communications team. 

In addition to a three-course meal and individual Teachers’ Day gift packages, the teachers were chauffeur-driven to and from lunch in fine style. 

Claudia Hibbert, principal of the Rollington Town-based school, shared her team’s appreciation for the gesture saying, “This is not something we do every day, and so it is really appreciated.”

We thank the Access Financial team who are now like family to us. It has been a great week of activities. They started by coming to read to the students on Read Across Jamaica Day, and we could not be more pleased with today’s luncheon.” AFS adopted the school in 2022,” she added.

Principal of the Josephine Glasspole Basic School Claudia Hibbert (left) and Access Financial Services chief executive officer Hugh Campbell (right) engage in a lively conversation as they waited to be served. Campbell and his team treated the teachers to a special private luncheon at the Courtleigh Hotel on Teachers Day.

Principal of the Josephine Glasspole Basic School Claudia Hibbert (left) and Access Financial Services chief executive officer Hugh Campbell (right) engage in a lively conversation as they waited to be served. Campbell and his team treated the teachers to a special private luncheon at the Courtleigh Hotel on Teachers Day. (Photo: Contributed)

Access Financial Services business development officer Ruth-Ann Oakley (right) makes a point in her discussion with Josephine Glasspole Basic School teacher Brendalee Malcolm at a special Teachers Day luncheon on Wednesday.

Access Financial Services business development officer Ruth-Ann Oakley (right) makes a point in her discussion with Josephine Glasspole Basic School teacher Brendalee Malcolm at a special Teachers Day luncheon on Wednesday. (Photo: Contributed)

Access Financial Services chief executive officer Hugh Campbell (right) presents a token of appreciation to Josephine Glasspole Basic School teacher Stacyann Wan

Access Financial Services chief executive officer Hugh Campbell (right) presents a token of appreciation to Josephine Glasspole Basic School teacher Stacyann Wan.(Photo: Contributed)

Source: Our.Today


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